Re: Late stage adrenal fatigue - desperate for advice
We often hear your symptom list in the heavy metal detox groups. A close friend was one. Thankfully she is much improved today.
If you could add a few more symptoms you would have a solid cluster of heavy metal symptoms--messed up digestive tract, weak muscles that get strained easily, reduced intellectual performance, food or chemical sensitivities, tinnitus, etc. You could check out the symptom lists under the strange looking hair tests at this site used by HM detox groups.
For adrenals you might start with some adrenal *cortex* glandular, not whole adrenal! Probably you'll want to take that with each meal. You should be able to get some nice quality glandular in AU. This alone won't fix your problem, but just be a helpful part of your adrenal support combo.
I don't think you can get pregnenolone in AU without a script. 50mg per day if tolerated would probably be a helpful part of your adrenal cortex support combo. It is the grandmother of the adrenal cortex hormones as seen here. Note DHEA is not abbreviated.
B5, vitamin C, Zn are valuable to adrenals. I'd take 500mg or more of C with each meal. The acid form might help with digestion of meals.
Remember the body makes those hormones from cholesterol. Do you absorb it okay?
Licorice--not the fake candy--helps the body to retain cortisol; however this can be tricky to use long term. Maybe it is better used when you need to "stress dose" during difficult days.
In some countries hydrocortisone--HC-- cream is available. This is occasionally discussed in the Yahoo detox groups.
It will likely take days or weeks for your body to adjust to more normal levels of cortisol. It might be more helpful to ramp up some HC from small 5mg doses up to something not more than 20mg per day along with other adrenal support supplements.
Magnesium and GABA have a calming effect.
Epsom Salt is Magnesium sulfate. Sulfate is involved in the breakdown of adrenaline-like substances in the body. So Epson Salt can help in two ways! Some people prefer the more subtle effect of a footbath.
Until you get the appropriate adrenal support you may need a little medication. If you don't like the effect of the full dose, why not try a partial dose.
Your thyroid might also be weak. Adrenals and thyroid are hammered by heavy metals.
Selenium is an important antioxidant in the body's defense against HMs. It is also needed to make the more active T3 thyroid hormone. It has a long history of making me feel warmer and a little more motivated.
A little
Iodine might not be a bad idea; I'm not suggesting megadoses!
Some say it is wiser to add adrenal cortex support before ramping up thyroid support.
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