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Advice needed on iodine protocol/dosage for health condition
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Published: 8 y

Advice needed on iodine protocol/dosage for health condition

I hope someone will be able to offer me some guidance regarding dosing iodine.

I was recently diagnosed with possible cranial diabetes insipidus (Not related to type 1 or 2 diabetes). I have read that Iodine is needed by all the of the glands in the body and this condition is often caused by a lack of anti diuretic hormone coming from the pituitary gland so I am taking Iodine in the hope it may help.

I have 15% Lugol's iodine. I started with 1 drop a day which would be 18.8mg and am now up to 5 drops a day which comes to about 93.8mg. I am thinking of increasing the dose further but as of yet I haven't noticed any effects unless they are extremely subtle. When I say effects I don't just mean help with the health condition I mean I haven't noticed any detox symptoms or anything positive either. I have been taking it for 3 weeks so still early days I know but I'm unsure on if I should continue to increase the dosage?

I am taking Selenium and Vitamin C alongside the iodine.

Could anyone offer some advice?



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