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How's your intake of macrominerals? (Mg, Ca, and Silica)
illys / elisah Views: 2,937
Published: 9 y
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How's your intake of macrominerals? (Mg, Ca, and Silica)

Are you doing any other mineral, herbal or vitamin supplementation?

I've found magnesium, calcium and silica really help mitigate a good deal of the dieoff symptoms.

In magnesium, Mg Chloride (spray for the skin) and Mg Taurate (as a supplement) has given me the least issues. ( Epsom Salts can be problematic for lyme, I've gotten major brainfog within 8 hours after baths and liver-flush-level intake. It is a bit too easy for coinfections to use as a foodsource.)
BTW, Mg and manganese are on a seesaw, and Manganese is /vital/ to the metabolisim and reproduction of lyme spirochetes. Having a higher intake of Magnesium than manganese (which is quite high in the soil in the eastern seaboard and mid-eastern parts of the united states) in the blood has potential in reducing a lyme infection.

In calcium, the bentonite/psyllium drink is really nice and calming/ uplifting. The dry skin is annoying though, and I find eggshell powder/tricalcium phosphate to be much better tolerated by my system. (Ca by the way is antiviral, I was so happy to find that out!)

Lastly silica in the form of diatomaceous earth is really good to balance out calcium intake and help with clearing some of the infections. For lyme issues I think you might want to start only at the 1/4 tsp level.

Background: type 1 diabetic, dealing with some of the same co-infections that show up with lyme, mycoplasma. Dunno if bartonella is involved, but yeah...

Thoughts are that you might be really low on the minerals needed for buffering those dieoff toxins out of the body and be in a rather acidic state! :o

B12 without magnesium, B1, folate, zinc, selenium and it's other cofactors is likely to give those downward spirals- it's my experience that bad reactions to vits can come if your body has to draw on it's background resources to process a sudden overflow of one or another nutrient.
Also taking B's without magnesium raises blood Sugar levels! Which was.. a major revelation for me. Suddenly I could take Bs like a normal person. :)

But I take a lot less B12 than Mg, Ca and silica. <.<

I reccommend google searches on those minerals, like 'calcium and sleep', 'calcium and anxiety', 'magnesium and anxiety', 'magnesium and detoxification', 'silica and energy' :-)

B12, eye twitches, eye issues- I have gotten the twitchy eyelid issues on and off too, and those definately improve/subside with proper Mg/Ca intake. With eye issues, eyebright herb and wild blueberry/acai berry is especially good.


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