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Re: How's your intake of macrominerals? (Mg, Ca, and Silica)
Meghill16 Views: 2,528
Published: 9 y
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Re: How's your intake of macrominerals? (Mg, Ca, and Silica)

I am or I was taking that combo of b vitamins through my genetic specialist and she did want me to add the folate in but I was too scared because I have had really bad reactions in the past. I have the MTHFR mutation so I don't absorb vitamin b12 and folate well- actually my labs show normal folate and very elevated b12... When I take the methyl forms I feel pretty awful because it's opening up my detox pathways. She never said anything about b6 for some reason and I do know that is important but I also get a lot of it in my diet.

I tried a much lower dose of the magnesium last night and feel much better on just the 200mg before bed. I need it to help me sleep and it really knocks me out.

My zinc is actually high on my labs and I do take it but I stopped a few days ago when I decided to stop all supplements for a few days and slowly add stuff back in. Right now I'm just taking the electrolyte tabs and magnesium before bed.

I see my Lyme doctor in a few weeks and I'm hopeful he can help me figure some stuff out.

Thanks so much for the info!


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