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It's called, 'Happy Ding a ling' season
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It's called, 'Happy Ding a ling' season

Abusers are self and other destructive sickies. They are liars robbers and murderers. NO ONE, has the right to hit anyone else. Abusers often suffer from advanced, 3rd stage, tertary syphilis brain infections, the syphilis spirochettes are corkscrew shaped ~~~ and in late stage syphilis the blood is 'teeming' with treponoma pallidum aka syphilis corckscrew spirochettes that cause 'gummas' sores, open ulcers in brain, organs, spine, joints and on the body, skin, torso, face etc. This disease causes behavior disorders and impairs judgement if the spirochettes nest in the brain, as they often do with late stage syphilis. Undiagnosed, untreated syphilis causes about 1001 different diseases, ie., strokes, chronic fatigue, heart failure, paralysis, arthritis, serious mental disorders, open hard to heal ulcers on skin and in the organs, spinal diseases, tumors, growths, skin sores, artery damage, etc etc. Syphilis used to be called leprosy 2000 years ago in the bible, today we have a cure for syphilis if caught early. penicillin and prevention. blue stain syphilis blood test.
Abusers spread these sex only transmitted diseases, trepanoma pallidum aka syphilis to thier partners, thier rape victims and to thier children, via child molestation or in utero before birth, many children are born with congenital syphilis, see post, Pictures of infectious diseases, on parasite support forum, for what std transmission does to children. WARNING: the pictures of children with syphilis are very hard to look at.
The problem with holidays is too many people want to be fakes and fake they are happy and successful and it is these fake fronts that keeps feeding the denial about the realities that are going on. Most people are NOT happy or successful, many people are dying, homeless, injured, ill, poverty stricken, being abused, being mistreated and are suffering terribly. In my humble opinion, it is only the ding a lings that pretend they are happy, healthy and successful when in reality they are neither, happy, healthy nor successful, and thier ding a ling fake fronts and fake cheer keeps the denial going on.


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