I forgot to mention in my prior post that I really enjoyed reading your post and found many parts of it valuable... much thought and care went into it, thank you.
It is good to see posts that question any line of reasoning and thought (after all we are talking about global health) in order to give cause for people to pause, think, research, and then make decisions for themselves.
I think it is unfortunate that we have walked so far away from the garden (Eden) that we are now looking for adequate nutrition through the ingestion of earth, not just as a cure for ills, as has been done for thousands of years, but as a daily source of minerals due to the lack of adequate, available mineral sources through everyday foods. I believe Swanson vitamins just came out with a mineral product SierraSil that further illustrates this point.
As you may be aware, I take clay internally and also use Calcium Hydroxide as lime water. When I discontinue the use of one or the other I immediately feel a negative response. I started with a tablespoon of clay (well before I began the lime water) a day and am down to a teaspoon. The reduction may be due to my addition of lime water AND/OR, as I find my health improves, my consumption declines.
The analysis of the clay I take, Terramin, also has amounts of certain “metals” that would be considered toxic.
You have much knowledge and I have learned much from you angel.
Thanks again,