20 y
Re: In defence!
HI Anne!
thanks for your comments, you took some time in replying, ( thoughtful reply ).
I know it was a long article. I have enjoyed Dr. Toni Grants shows and her opinions in the past and wanted to show something she has written. All of her shows are not available at this time, so this is the only thing I could find other than having to buy her book.
I know it may be a little hard to digest, but if you knew her broadcasts and her elegant style maybe it would come together better.
I understand your points, everything has stratum, many layers, so one person who may stand up for female rights, yet not hating men at all may be lumped together with an outright lesbian ( I think this is what you were pointing out in your rebuttal of the article )
Not all points may match your set of criteria- thanks for expressing your view.
The underlining point is- respect of women has not been totally achieved with feminism. Some take it too far.
I dont really disagree with your post either.
I wish however women can love themselves. We find today many women abusing other women, not just men. The family has a lot to do with this.