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Re: In defence!

Transformational Tarot Readings
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Transformational Tarot Readings
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Re: In defence!

I think that it's a complex subject, otherwise it would be easy and we wouldn't have problems between men and women! I think that the author of that article directed it to a religious group who believe in the Bible. So, boronia mentioned the scriptural part because it's likely not her paradigm. Mo4 is Islamic, but the Quran itself does affirm that the Bible is true, so she didn't have any problems with the context of the article and posted it because her values are similar on that point.

That aside, my posts (back a bit in this thread) also addressed the fact that there has been a battle of the sexes throughout the millennia. Nothing new under the sun. I tried to point out (and the article also mentioned) that the Bible says nothing about women being subjugated and relegated to home duties. That is not a Biblical teaching whatsoever. I know that many religious persons, including my religious ancestors worked in the women's suffrage movement. The Quakers were also very inclined toward women's rights. They also worked on the Underground Railroad. They were very much against WAR, and also against liturgical religious structures and instutions.

So, some of the issues being fired back and forth here are a bit blurry. In my county the divorce rate is 88%. That is unbelievable. I have to think that the statistics (of which I cannot cite, I would have to research) would show that OVERALL we women have not improved our lives in the last 50-60+ years. Perhaps in SOME areas, but at what cost? I love education and am very happy that women are able to be educated and degreed. I don't have a problem with women working -- it's not the actual acts/items such as this that are in themselves onerous.

I think that there is a spirit behind the feminist movement - and it likes to use words like "empowerment" but they also are deceptively manipulative to get women behind it. This is a hot topic and very multi-layered. I agree with the statement that there are many sub-cultures of feminism. I said over and over that not all aspects of 'feminism' are bad.

I think that the way that women and men relate are not improved by much of feminism, and that is a MAJOR PROBLEM seeing that the family is the basic building block of society. When families do not succeed and thrive, then society breaks down. Society is breaking down, especially in our county (Maricopa County, Arizona...where Phoenix is).

The family courts are CLOGGED and also---guess what? The state controls the property and children of nearly every family in that county. All of the non-custodial parents (who are generally men) AND THEIR PROPERTY are under the jurisdiction of the courts. And this county has more and more female judges who appear (to me and others) to be man-haters. Arizona was touted across the country several years ago about having the "Fab 5" voted into office --- FIVE females in the highest offices of the state. (It was on the morning shows, etc.)

So, what has all this "empowerment" done for women here? It has caused divorce and hardship because nearly every family I know is divorced or divorcing, with children of broken homes the NORM.

Sure, there are some areas where women should be independent and empowered, but when it becomes an attitude that seeks to dominate and destroy man, then it's a real mess. Much of feminism is just a spirit of Jezebel in operation, and that is not a pretty sight. I'm tired of the empowerment that makes our girls walk around looking like Ho's----and all the empowerment and freedom to choose that produces the bumping and grinding females on the videos, and the slutty behavior on programs like "Elimi-date".

Most of the women that I know that are divorced are bitter, b--tchy gals that like to play the victim and have a whole man-hating repertoire. They are TRULY convinced that their man is the total villain and they are the total victim, and therefore justified to take ALL his money, property, and also the children. This is rampant here in AZ.......all you need is an Order of Protection alleging ANYTHING against the man, and you won the right to STEAL everything from the guy. Once the state has control, under the FEderal Title IV-D laws, the man is a modern day slave of the state. Some of this was necessary, YES. But the pendulum has swung way too far-----

and we need answers "beyond empowerment".........I'm afraid!


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