Re: Ten Lies of Feminism
Thanks for your message, I have not seen that movie.
I just think, that women tend to be on the feminist side of things, when men disregard their role as providers and protectors with HONOR.
What does this mean to me, Seeing the social inept society today- this means, the fathers are raising sons to just "play" with the opposite gender without "responsibility". So lets get a girlfriend, do all the things married couples engage in "except" the manly part: of protector, source of security, basically a good caring husband.
So men are not acting in a manly way which they were created. They are merely acting as boys.
Fathers are not taking care of their girls honor. Nor are they instilling honor in the boy.
So the girls are left to fend for themselves! Yes they can do it, thats not the point, they are getting side swiped in this process of NEGLECT.
Outcome is angry girls, used and abused, boys who have WAY too much access to the gold when they have not been working for it or are able to keep it treasured.
And society uses women to sell everything, she is everywhere on billboards and gas station shacks- a disposable product being USED.
The men are so wrapped up in having a "girl" they forget they are damaging the one thing that is supposed to give them so much out of life. It is a evil cycle. In turn women begin to grow harsh and out of control, no respect for themselves or for anyone, forced to sell their souls and bodies in order to survive at times.
Add drugs to the scene and you have one pot of ugly sad stew.
When the children grow up they will be in a relationship, what kind will it be?