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Re: Ten Lies of Feminism
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Re: Ten Lies of Feminism

I should probably go back to the first message in this thread and read it again, but I wanted to relate something of what I believe about male/female relationships.

This is obvious birds and bees stuff, but please bear with me a bit... When a couple has a baby, the husband has given one (successful) sperm to the woman that goes into the creation of the new life. The woman provides the place, the resources/materials/nutrients and even the emotional nurturing for that new creation. She takes something very little and makes it into something amazing and beautiful.

That is why she is called woman--or womb'ed man. She has the creative power to do this on many levels, as a matter of fact. [I have a European male friend who is a neonatologist and he refers to this phenomenon as...'the secret of the tummy of the woman'--and he is not just talking biology here. The biological part is just a metaphor for so much more, both emotionally and spiritually.]

In a relationship, let's say, the man works and brings home a paycheck. He gives her a house for the family to have. The woman takes this house and makes it a home. She takes whatever is given to her, and creates more -- with color, emotion, song, life, healthfulness, traditions, happiness, creative foods, etc. It is a part of the beauty of what woman is. When she magnifies what the man is and has, he is further glorified in the process. This give and take should continue on and on - it is creative and expansive and the way the relationship was intended to be.

Whatever corrupts this also destroys many persons in the process (the entire family, extended family, friends and community). Greed, insecurity, lust, etc. will corrupt this wonderful and beautiful balance.

If a woman working outside the home corrupts it, then that couple should avoid it. If a woman NOT having outside interests or a creative enterprise corrupts it, then that should be avoided. As I said, I should go back and re-read the first message in this thread (and will) but I think that most likely many people would read the title and think at face value that the "10 Lies of Feminism" is going to tell them that women aren't allowed to be creative or industrious individuals. They will have to be under the thumb of an abusive ogre husband who makes them slave all day and night. That they will have to be at their whim in a demoralizing sense. A 2nd class citizen. To me, that type of relationship is a corruption as well.

Even in the Bible, a 'Proverbs [chapter] 31' woman - goes out and considers a field and buys it and plants a vineyard. She is industrious and enterprising. There is nothing wrong with that.

But, by design, we are "wombed creatures" and we need to always remember the power of the creativity in our make-up!! Understanding what we are good at doing helps us to be successful. It's not that we can't do more, but that we are MORE sucessful when we cooperate according to the divine design and appreciate the uniqueness of who we are as WO-men.

We can shut this down with insecurity, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc. and then we have nothing but BARRENESS in our relationship, life and home. There is nothing more unlovely and unpleasant than a female who is hardened, insecure, bitter, negative or unforgiving. It's a sure sign that she has failed and is BARREN.

The feminist movement can sometimes produce this type of fruit instead of good things for women. We have to be careful of what we are doing, that's all.


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