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Re: In defence!
parismatch Views: 1,934
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Re: In defence!

No_biz made some good points about slavery. We are very naive in this country, because we think that we are free. We just have a different package on our slavery. We call it a democratic republic, but almost all the 'kings' of our land are blood relatives, and are related to the royalty of Europe. Elected?

We package it in a 2-party system, plus a couple others sprinkled on for good measure. But they are not only shadow govt. puppets, but the reverse of the coin of the same darn thing. That's why the "agenda" goes forward no matter which party is in control. Did it ever strike you as odd that Bill Clinton and G. Bush Sr. hung around each other--going to 'see the Tsunami victims' together?? That's because they have been buddies all along! Clinton apparently was on Letterman talking about that very thing. There have been books written by people who know these men who have said this for years!

Our citizens are their slaves to fight their wars and make them rich. What has changed?? Some things, but not as much as we Americans would like to believe.

So, alavery exists in different forms and measures and it's not whether we are "free" or "slave" but what we do and our attitude while in captivity. I, for one, believe that I can be a slave, a prisoner or any other status in life...and still be free in my spirit. No one will subject me to something unless God permits it, and if he permits it, He will give me a way to prosper in the midst of the situation.

That's why I can trust God to right the injustices and wrongs against me by my ex and let him off the hook re the past child support. (I have never said that this is what every woman must do, please do not get this wrong. My situation is very unique in this regard and I wouldn't extrapolate and appy this to others).

For those who enjoy the Bible, in the book of Genesis thate is the account of Joseph, whose brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. From what I have heard, a slave was actually sold on the stock block buck naked. (Injustice!!!) The Biblical account is very interesting here--as it says that RIGHT THEN, AT THAT POINT........."AND JOSEPH WAS A PROSPEROUS MAN." He later rose in power to be 2nd in command next to pharoah.

Women made a mistake thinking that they had to get physically free and independent from men, when they really needed to realize who they were created to be and learn to be free in their spirit and soul. Women are very powerful, but believe that they are second class. The insecurity and low opinion that women have of themselves is just pitiful and sad. And unfortunately, we seem to be deceived often about how to cure the problem.


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