Re: Ten Lies of Feminism
I see what you are saying. Is this a tenet of Islam, or a part of the culture you know of? (I have worked in a Middle Eastern firm, and I noticed a huge variation in customs and cultures and even religions within the Middle East. It was a very interesting and wonderful experience, especially because I am very interested in understanding different cultures.)
In the Bible it says that a husband has a right over the wife's body and vice versa. They are not to deprive the other one of sex, except for a time when they mutually agree to separate for fasting and prayer, etc. I think that it's good to think of this, not in an abusive way in any sense...but as a manner in which preserves the 'one flesh' unity in the relationship.
I think that what you are saying is wonderful and I would personally prefer that arrangement. After studying intercultural communication in college, I am not certain if that would fly in relationships of people everywhere. I mean, some would go one extreme further in either direction.
No matter what people choose to do as a result of culture, I think there are some principles that are sort of underlying 'spiritual law' and cannot be messed with or one would suffer consequences. I guess it's important to find out what principles are immutable, and what can be negotiated as a part of one's culture and own life.