Re: In defence!
> uhhhh what a privilege,
'Very important rights! Would you have said the same thing to the black people of South Africa when they weren't allowed to vote? Or to people around the world denied an education?'
It's all appearences and words, useless rethoric, are black people of SA equal to white people now just because of their right to vote? No, if so, they wouldn't have give them any right to vote.
The more they give you so-said rights, the less you are allowed to think of yr own, because while in the past kings were masters of our bodies, and could kill you if they wished,nowadays "kings" are possessing our souls and keep us dumbed and the worst of all is that we feel FREE and masters of our lives because of the right to vote/to get an "education"/to wear miniskirts ( I call it brain-washing!) and other crap like that
this is why you cannot say,
'These are separate issues.'
> maybe you should get back and read thoroughly a few posts.
I think you're avoiding explaining and elaborating on your own words! ;)
No I am just busy, and a few words are not enough, but I am gonna explain some! It is difficult for you don't nderstand since denying the existance of God you probably tend to give to Man/Woman a lot of wisdom and brightness that doesn't belong to them.
You said many women were slaves before feminism, obliged to live in oppressive family situations etc. But this was their role and most of them did accept it, it was not slavery. yes a certain prcentage was beaten and threatened, but this percentage is still there because violent men always existed and still exist.
The average behavior was different so it is easy for us to look behind and say "women weren't free", but times and fashions just have changed, most women were not ubhappy, they lived their lives taking care of family and children and being a strong support to their husband and to whole society, they had their place. Most men were not ogres and did trust and love and protect their wives/families.
The false myth of freedom that has become common sense talk nowadays gives women the right to have standard education/work, so they are ready for exploitation ( women were free from it before, you cannot consider taking care of family an exploitation IMO). Women is now free to do almost any destructive thing such as being "sexually free" , selfish, abusing of drugs/alcohol, refusing childbearing (which is very natural to her), and so on, and a lot women are very PROUD and happy to do so, but it's a fad they follow, not their own wish! none of them is happy for what I can see, and most of those who are will be WRETCHED when loss of beauty/sex appeal will occur( just a matter of time) because this is the ONLY measure of a woman's worth nowadays .
Hope I did explain something,