i know you will do fine *) folks ar ehere to help heal and detox and armed with a bi to fknowledge we all genrally try to do the path that will brin gus no harm.
i am sure you willsucced *) with taking care of your body as you progress 8)
i ahav edone and continue to do my detoxes in between rest phases. so far i ahv elost 45 lbs over about a 5 month span of time.. without relly tring and not overstressing my body.
my health over all is greatly improved and i hav eno saggy skin from it and have supe rgood energy.
i mysle f am on a 21 dya kidney clenase right now then will goto a 3 week on gold coin grass to break up glalstoens etc
and sveral days apple juice then do a palnne d Liver Flush on the weeken dof hte new moon march 20th 8) then i will folo w after that with a mc and be rareling to go for my spring fling *)