Re: Confused with symptoms
i would not advise with doing a live r flush back to back with an mc/ tho many do and have doen so.
i think you risk dehydration and that there isno hurry .
let the body rest / from one detox to tehnext..
one girl passed out and hurt her lip hitting sink counter doing just that.
if youare thinking o fcontinuing an dnot wanting to fully break the fast/ but switch to a brothe sytel one as a breather i can't see the harm in that..
but! i fyou are going to wan tto eat food .. then you need to build upto that slowly..
and remember to reverse the process i fgoing back on the mc
wean off your brothe back onto ornge juice then back onto lemonaide..
i myself woudl when done... break teh mc as recipe calls for.. then eat regualry for about a week and also be drinking apple juice 3 -4 glassesa day to prepare for the upcomming liver flush... then within the 3 days prior start lgitnein up on food s and clear out colon etc/ with an epsom sal t flush or swf flush or some codliver oil 1-3 tspin 1/2 glass warm water.. to amke sur e all clear fo rroom for stones to move down easily..
then do your
Liver Flush and within 3 days after repeat with a flush in geeral a oen time ep salt drink or swf or codliver or
colonic or cloema board etc..
to amke sure any stones ar enot lef tup high in you colon.
enemas only get intesstinal areas nto the colon.
and they are great at wah tthey do/ but you need a full systme colon down sweep to avoid problems possible *)
also be sure an d keep drinking goo dwater at least 1/2 your body w tin fl
oz s pe rday to ensure you do not get dehydrated, and thus over laode d with toxins 8)
ihope that helps some.
Ami Joi Benton
ps make sur ei fyou goto brothes youar eonly using
Sea Salt .
it aids digestion and helps kidneys porcess
table salt hinders and it cannot process it.. so toxins plus the talb e salt ge t stored in your body 8(
waarm water also /room temp is bes t .. i fyouahve a cold drink, add to it room temp wate r to brink it down.
cold water is ahr don kidneys and liver.