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Re: Natural vs Modern Medicine
Sheepy Views: 2,910
Published: 20 y
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Re: Natural vs Modern Medicine

I look forward to hearing about your appointment today. I was very fortunate to get referred to a nationally prominent medical facilty in my own state. It is a 1 1/2 hour drive but well worth it. I met with the chief of Hepatology there and then when I started the therapy the nurses have filled in. I think it is MOST important to have the proper medical team. The more specialized you can get, all the better. I have blood work once a week and have a monthly appointment. But we are in contact email or phone a couple of times a week. They have been awesome.We covered nutrition to some degree, but I eat pretty healthily anyway.My Dr has 40 +/- patients just being treated for HepC & B at any one time, but he sees a lot of other issues, liver realted as well. He came to me very highly reccommended. I am on a weight based dose, that is the only way I belive Peg-I is given. I would recommend that you get innoculated against the HepB and A virus, assuming you can before you start treatment. It is a 3 shot series and there is no need to wind up with one of those to boot! I read in my HepC book before I started about patients stories of treatment. One woman wrote that although the therapy was trying, if she had to do it again, she would. I thought, wow, who would do that! Now, I can say she is right. It is difficult but worth the effort. Please keep me posted.


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