I understand how you are feeling. It is quite devastating news to hear. I spent weeks in turmoil over it. But my husband and I decided that at 50 I was too young to take the chance of dying from liver disease. I too got a tattoo in 1979 and I am sure that was the culprit. But how doesn't matter. Getting rid of it does. I am now more than 1/2 way through the course of treatment and have tested negative since the first month. This is the only medicine that has a chance of erradicating the disease. The rest are just a hope and a prayer. Focus on you, your life today, and where you want to be in a year. Make your decision on those principles. You are younger than me with a lot of good years ahead of you. I have been living with this for 25 years too long.
What can I do to help you? I do know I am living through the therapy. I am here and I am real and I AM surviving!