Re: Natural vs Modern Medicine
The Interferon does not cause liver damage. It is a substance that we naturally produce to ward off infection. Given as an injection it serves to protect the liver cells that are still healthy. In combination with the pills, Ribivarin/Rebetol, which directly attack the virus the result is most succcessful. As for the blood count problem, it is true. While on therapy, my red blood count has dropped so I also take Procrit to stimulate bone marrow production. The white blood count also dropped, so you just have to be vigilent about hand washing, open cuts, etc. I have not gotten even a cold this winter so far. Both of these counts will correct after the therapy ends.
As for the biopsy, you cannot know the stage of your liver damage any other way. I was a stage 3 when I started and that is too close to cirrosis to mess around. I have had two biopsies in 15 years and they are not at all harmful. There are no side effects. It's an outpatient procedure, home the same day, one day of rest and no lifting for 5-7. The liver is the only organ which can make new cells. You could get in a car wreck, damage a half of it and it would rebuild, provided you didn't drown it in drugs and alcohol. The amount of tissue removed is so small it's staggering.I still believe that arming yourself with as much of your profile as you can get is the most helpful way to approach your particular treatment plan. But you are definately at risk. My quantitative whan I started was 301,000. That is very low.
I know that you are afraid to go forward and afraid to not do something. Been there. Don't want to die of liver failure either and it will happen. HepC is the greatest one cause of liver transplants and they aren't easy to find.
Hope this helps...