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Re: Natural vs Modern Medicine
Sheepy Views: 3,063
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 48,730

Re: Natural vs Modern Medicine

Well, I can tell you that I am a very healthy, 51 year old female. I have a sheep farm which requires a lot of daily tasks. Shoveling and removing manure, lifting hay bales, lugging water buckets, trimming hooves etc. I am able to still do these tasks and hold a job. I eat my meals and am able to travel 200 miles weekly to visit my dying Mum. Each person, it's true, reacts differently to the meds. I was terrified ahead of time. The night of my first injection, I grabbed my husbands hand and recited the Lord's Prayer and a prayer for Guidance. I was so scared that I was going to go right down the rathole. And then I waited and waited, and nothing really bad ever happened! Just remember, if you hate the meds you can quit. This is voluntary. If it doesn't agree with you, you can stop. But it may be worth it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I understand your fear. I read EVERYTHING ahead of time, but all of that is also written to cover their butts. If you read any pill bottle, it has warnings you hate to think about. Please keep in touch with me on this. I at least want to hear what you decide. If you want to contact me off the list let me know. And a Happy New Year to you!


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