I am not coping very well with this. I am concerned about all the side effects. Every prescription I have ever taken I get ALL the side effects listed on the label. And not being able to do my job. I work in an incubator of germs, get cuts frequently(dont ever know what I did to get them), lift 65 pounds above my head minimum of five times a days. Always on different time zones and have to drag 250 pound men to perform CPR on them. The doctor told me he would treat me withut the biopsy but more blood work has to be done if i dont do it. All the side effects or puncturing of the surraounding organs that can happen I dont want any parts of I know it doesnt happen to every one but I would be the one. I am going to ursue treatment, But I have read horror stories about people who were allergic to the medicine and have died. Have a wonderful new year you have alot to be greatful for. Thankds for taking your time to try and put me at ease.
talk later