I am so afraid
I was going in for minor surgery got blood work done and found out I have Hep C. Of course it must be wrong I have no symptoms. Went to get another test with my husband. My husband got his blood checked he doesnt have it. My test postiver or as it says Reative same results. I have been in a a state of dazed devisation crying and walking in circles for two days thinking my life is over at 47. As my doctor says i would be the last person he would suspect to have it. Can you get it threw a colonix? That is the only thing in my life new I have done since september. I am having deep anguish, dispair and dont know what questions to ask the GI doctor. In the late 70's I got a tatoo. Dont know if I could have gotten it hten and be carring it all these years without my husband getting it or symptoms. What kind of questions should I ask the GI doctor. I wrote down what you said about the Genotype and Quantitive blood test. I am a homeopathic type and won't even go on Lipitor for high cholesterol.