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Re: Natural vs Modern Medicine
Sheepy Views: 3,160
Published: 21 y
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Re: Natural vs Modern Medicine

I will briefly answer your questions...typically you do not feel sick with Hep until it is in the advanced stages. Most people never know they have it until they have some other issue come up. I felt and still feel fine. There was no treatment 15 years ago, and my numbers were not so high that I was alarmed. The only reason I finally pursued this is my doctor felt my chances of beating the virus were excellent and why chance death. I am a Genotype 2b, my ALT was in the low 100's when I started, it is now 53. My viral load was 310,00 and is now 0. My doctor did the ultrasound and the biopsy the same day. The ultasound is only part of the puzzle.

I chose to get rid of the HepC by trying the Interferon combination therapy. I have a wonderful life and I want to keep it as long as possible. If there was a chance I could kill the HepC, I was willing to try. The medication is not going to kill me. I do blood tests once a week to monitor all the issues. You need to decide what matters to you. Do NOT drink alcohol or do drugs with HepC. It is fuel on the already flaming fire. With the liver already inflammed the alcohol/drugs, are a deadly combination. Each person's case and goals are different.I am having excellent success this way and am glad that I have gone forward. In late Feb I will be done treatment and I have every indication that the HepC will be gone.

What is it that you are most concerned about?


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