Hi, Kerin --- Thank you for your response to my posting. It's good to find others with this problem. I think your idea of getting a petition together is a good one. In a few weeks, I'll be getting together with my brothers and their families. I will certainly bring up your idea and see how they feel about it. You're quite right -- dental insurance, for those of us who have it, is very poor in what it covers. People wonder why others with bad teeth don't have them fixed. While I think it's true that some are afraid of the dentist, I'm willing to bet that it's because most can't afford to get the work done with or without insurance. Most dentists don't understand dentinogenesis imperfecta at all. If they did, then they would understand that trying to repair broken teeth is an act of futility. The few dentists who understand and recognize the condition that I've been to, use me as show-and-tell for the hygenists and any dental students who happen to be around. I don't mind--glad to contribute to their dental education!
I've never been able to understand why health insurance covers the physical body so well but not dental and mental health. No one should have to suffer through dental problems due to poor dental coverage or none at all.