Re: Fenugreek
I think the glyconutrients are good for everyone, but I am not convinced of getting them the supplement way. I prefer using whole foods. I am not concerned about getting all 8, as all the available info shows that our bodies can make the missing ones. I just want to try to get as many as possible.
Whenever I buy goji-berries, my kids gobble them up. I have had less success with the flax. I grind it in a coffee grinder and use it to dip apples, but my kids prefer the apples plain. When I make sesame/flax milk, my kids won't drink it; I am going to start straining it through a nut-milk bag and storing it an a glass container in the refrigerator. Then they won't know what it is and they will try it (my kids will try anything new at least once); if I stop buying soymilk, they will have no choice:-! My son likes miso soup, which I make with konbu (japanese kelp) broth. I currently have aloe juice and fenugreek in my wish list for my next online-ordering. I'm not sure if I'm going to try dandelion root. We have lots of playgrounds around that have tons of dandelion plants (the japanese do not spray pesticides on their lawns/park areas), so I may pull a few up and see how it tastes, but I've heard it is very bitter so I don't think I'll have any luck getting my kids to eat it.