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Re:Raw Vegan, Non-Vegan and Non-Raw diets
sofia Views: 2,906
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 343,237

Re:Raw Vegan, Non-Vegan and Non-Raw diets

Personally, I don't have yet a position on raw vegan, ayurvedic and taoistic principles of nutrition both are pretty much against raw, and both are traditions of great complexity with deep knowledge of the body. But let me also add that you might have had problems due to improper digestion and managment of the die-off, because, if you are intollerant to glutine, this makes me think your body is not perfectly in tune on this. You could have tried to take measures on this, instead of stopping. If you decided to stop instead because you didn't like the life style, that's a personal fact that doesn't say anything on the validity of being raw vegan. I know many raw vegans, and they are not emaciated. I also know many meat-eaters (not difficult to find around), and they are all pretty much aged. There's a typical mummy look that comes along at a certain age among them.

I'm vegan and try to eat 80% fruits and vegetables and 20% grains and nuts, and I give the same to my child because I know on my skin that this is a quite good diet. I've eaten like that for ten years, so I think I know. We have part raw and part cooked. I also privilege whole grains on pasta and bread. I've always been full of energy and with clear-cut mind, I can do yoga as no meat-eater can (meat really tightens the muscles), I can deal with my emotions like no meat-eater can. The same is my husband. The same is my son.



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