19 y
Re:Raw Vegan, Non-Vegan and Non-Raw diets
I agree 100% about grains,they are useles unless prepared properly and they do cause a plethora of health problems. Grains do cause more acidity to the body than any other food.
I am not religious about diet at all. Through my experience over the years, vegans can be some of the most fanatical and militant people,I've encountered. Not all of them,but when I tell some vegans why I eat meat,they just lay into me,telling me what kindof person I am,and how wrong I am.
I ask you this though,if meat is so bad for us,why are we equipped with hydrochloric acid and the enzyme elastase(for the digestion of fibrous meat). Is it so we can digest
Watermelon of spelt? No for the digestion of meat.
We are fully equipped physiollogically to digest meat..