Re:Raw Vegan, Non-Vegan and Non-Raw diets
I think sofia was a bit unfair to you and this was the reason why I wrote that sentence about not feeling superior to others, there is no such thing as the Right Diet.
I do not really know about humans being equipped to digest meat or not, I have heard about our intestines being way too long, meat gets rotten before to get out, it makes some sense to me. I just think meat should not be the staple food and I choose not to eat it at all(although it used to be my favorite food years ago). I respect meat eaters if they show respect for themselves and the environment choosing organic meats and not overdoing it (eating meat too often puts a heavy burden on the planet and we should not be selfish on that).
Grains make me extremely acid, even eating a tiny bit of bread makes my saliva sour, this is why I wpuld like to replace them with legumes now that I am coming back to some cooked foods. I have tried sprouts but they are filling and bulky, I am 5 feet 4
inches tall and I weigh 95 lbs, I must gain weight asap and cannot fill me up without getting half the calories I need to survive .
I do not agree with the statements about insulin and fruit, because fruit will not raise insulin if eaten alone. Your glycemic index will not move from the fasting level if you eat fruit bt itself. Only if you mix it with other cooked foods it will behave like refined sugar. You can buy a glycemic test and see if I am wrong! That is why I always eat fruit alone .
the reason why I was interested in legumes is that I need something to replace baby's staple food with (unfortunately it has been cereal so far, she was weaned this way) .I know they are hard to digest but I dont think they can be harder than cereal.