Re: VSL3
Strangely enough, last year my doc put me on VSL3 too! And it had an immediate effect on my primary symptoms, which are insomnia, anxiety, depression, and PCOS. (Primal Defense has done nothing for me, personally). The problem was, VSL3 is darned expensive! Ouch! And since I also have two cupboards full of half used products (!) I just got fed up and refused to buy more VSL... maybe I'll reconsider.
But the main problem was and remains my bowels. I didn't realize how bad it was to "go" about once a week, if that. I don't believe that any amount of probiotic supplementation is gonna stick around if your bowels are messed up.
colonics and enemas are REALLY helping with that and have much improved my health so far... without the use of any antifungals (except some apple cider vinegar).
But I'm not "cured" yet, so I don't wanna preach. I just don't know enough about probiotics to have an intelligent opinion. There is not enough research on soil based organisms, probiotics, candida and human ecology to really "know" - we can all only make our best guess and keep trying different things - an expensive proposition, but hopefully we can learn from each other through forums like this.
Best of luck to everyone,