7 y
Re: Thinking You Are "I AM", Your definitely not but only a fake from the darkness.
Sorry, I had to delete this because it can't prove anything. In some forums like this debate forum here postings can be edited so what Ive suggested won't work. Im trying hard not to be here but this concerns me and I can't see how Trapper thinks it ok to discuss this matter if I'm not here which I don't want to be.
I know this though that Trapper's postings are incredibly offensive to people with disabilities, many families know someone with autism. To just post that he needs to vaccinate himself to be autistic enough to understand me is incredibly offensive whether he is innocent or not, which I don't think he is. One day he will get old, he could end up with dementia or anything and just imagine if someone said to him something offensive about retards or dementia, do you think that will please him being called a retard when he uses disabilty phrases to have jibes at people.
I've worked in school settings supporting my son when he was allowed to participate in their groups, Ive never witnessed one child who mimics autism, it's never the child, it's a few grumpy parents who don't like their kids being with disabled kids. I don't think the problem is with Trappers grand kids, I think the problem is with Trapper himself, his attitude towards the disabled. He says he cares but no one who cares about retards as he calls them would post such offensive material about them. So I ask you, do you really think Trapper is genuine when he cries innocence?
Of course there is the case that he lacks the capacity to properly understand his own actions, then that would be putting him into some sort of adult special needs bracket that has never been diagnosed. Hmmm Maybe?