Re: Thinking You Are "I AM", Your definitely not but only a fake from the darkness.
and just as i have said before, this forum has always been abused. its been treated like a second support forum and as a bully pulpit so the other forum will still look pious in the eyes of the public.
the CD description:
This debate forum is designated for debate based on bringing valid arguments against certain views and valid arguments pro certain views and opinions based on Bible, Christianity, Christian beliefs, Science, Evolution ...
Please keep debates related to politics and conspiracy theories outside this forum, even if it relates also to Christianity.
When posting a message, try to follow the next guidelines:
If a message is related to Religion and at the same time it is related to politics in any way, post such a message into politics forum.
If a message is related to Religion and at the same time it is related to politics and at the same time it is a conspiracy theory, post such a message into conspiracy forum.
If a message is related to politics and at the same time it is a conspiracy theory, post such a message into conspiracy forum.
If a message is related to Religion and at the same time it is a conspiracy theory, post such a message into conspiracy forum.
So, this is a forum precedence:
Conspiracy .... Politics .... Religion .... Special debates [Homosexuality, Circumcision, Abortion, Evolution ]
Whenever a message pertains to more then one forum, choose the first form from the left side.
Most messages that were deleted from this forum would fall into Conspiracy forum.
If a message is about religious view on Homosexuality (an excerpt from a holy book ), post it into Religion forum.
If a message is about religious view on Abortion (an excerpt from a holy book ), post it into Religion forum.
Keep Homosexuality, Abortion and Evolution forum for more scientific, more modern, more evidence based discussions. There is no need to cite 1000 year old books inside those forums, when there are special forums designated to each major religion.
We have separate forums where anything concerning politics and anything concerning conspiracy theories can be discussed. No need to flood this forum with such articles and such discussions.
Debate = Expressing arguments against certain views and arguments pro certain views and opinions
Debate = To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
Debate = Argue with one another
Please keep debates centered around topics relevant to christianity, and civilized.
No personal attacks will be tolerated.
Topics include
the Bible, the many possible interpretations leading to different teachings by differing denominations.
Catholic-Protestant discrepancies, Mormons, cessationism vs. the on-going work of Christ, creationism, pentecostalism, pre-selection vs. free-will salvation, rapture theories, end times, pre, mid, post tribulation theories, Sabbath observance, and any other subject matters over which the whole body of Christ has differing views and interpretations.
If you are interested in debating Other Religions, then you should access Religion Debate Forum.
There are also many other forums where you can discuss issues related to fate\religion\beliefs\God:
All Active Christian Forums:
Biblical Christianity Support/Discussion Forum
Enlightened/Esoteric Christianity Support/Discussion
Christianity [All] Debate Forum
Other Religion/Fate Related Forums:
Atheism Debate Forum
God Without Religion Discussion Forum
God Without Religion Debate Forum
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The Christian Debate Forum is moderated by all moderators.