Re: Focus on Iodine for Cancer
I would like to offer a couple other suggestions.
I just started taking ReMag magnesium chloride. Several months ago
It’s 100% absorbable. I could only take 100 mg of magnesium Glisan eight previously without laxative effect. Now I am taking 900 mg per day!
I truly believe it’s reducing my strong detox reactions/die off reaction‘s from certain things I’ve been taking
The magnesium miracle by Carolyn Dean. That is her book and she created this magnesium. I normally am very suspicious when people are self promoting their product. However I’ve been following her weekly radio show on the Internet and we Kafter week people are calling in with amazing testimonials. Hearing the same story over and over again of people taking various types of magnesium in it not helping their heart arrhythmia and now they started taking this stuff and there AFib goes away or their diabetes goes away or they get off of high blood pressure medication, etc. etc. etc.
I am in no way affiliated with this company financially or otherwise. I am just so excited for myself because I know I have been magnesium deficient for forever and haven’t been able to take enough to make a difference. And since magnesium is involved in 700 or more enzymatic reactions in the body, it is so crucial to be saturated for property tax vacation detoxification… Silly Siri that should’ve said proper detoxification
Liposomal vitamin C could be another thing to check out an experiment with. It’s a dollar per 1000 mg at some people believe that five packets of 1000 mg each are the equivalent to 50 g IV vitamin C.
I don’t know if you remember me. I was super active on this forum for about 4 1/2 years before my spinal cord injury in 2012.