I suggest to not palpate any tumor which might be present, doing so will only stimulate its growth, since tumors only normaly experience normal blood pressure, any force beyond that will stimulate growth. The many MD's who come in and rub and grasp, are irresponsible, this is known over 80 years. There is no reason to even touch it, except very lightly to feel its character, whether it has become calcified or other sign of recovery such as size reduction. Palpation more than normal blood pressure will stimulate it. Tumor is the body's reaciton to and attempt at growing via evolution a new organ to absorb toxins present in blood previously not present, it is trying to create a new organ but evolution is not fast enough in one generation. I already know what the toxins are, that's where the last 12 years of my life went studying this shitttt Knowledge is freedom