Re: Paint breasts with Lugol's
Wasn't James Sloan banned from the Curezone about 8 years ago?
There was nothing in those videos about painting the breasts with Lugols. My wife is painting her breast with 1/3
Lugols 5%, 1/3
Colloidal Silver 20ppm and 1/3 DMSO where DMSO is a carrier that carries
Iodine & CS deep into the tumor & tissues. We know that
Iodine painted directly on a skin cancer will cure it. . . Apply
Iodine several times a day to the cancer, a scab will form in a week or 2, then continue painting over the scab. After a month or 2 the scab will get itchy and fall off, leaving perfect skin with no scars. It is fresh new skin, so will not match the color of existing skin, but over time,sunlight will tan the new skin. This process worked perfectly on my own skin tumor located on my shoulder.
I like the Brownstein Iodine Therapy because it is easy to duplicate and proven effective with many testimonials, in addition to my on experiences.. Painting the breast directly every day will damage the skin, but when mixed with DMSO there is no skin damage. Wife reports definite progress. The tumor feels like it is shrinking & getting softer
We are also performing several other therapies including
Essiac Tea, fresh veggies,
Sugar free diet, high Ph water. Brownstein recommends that saliva be at a Ph level of 7.2 attained with diet & special high liquids.