I looked up Sloane a while ago, seems his female best friend had a serious disease, and I believe had passed on. He wrote a kind explanation of having gotten "out" of herbal stuff and "medicine", was no longer operating whatever it was he was operating. The Grusome one and I pissed him off on his forum, just for asking questions. I had the pleasure of being the first one he banned. That's what usually gets you electrocuted by the Inquisition, if you ask questions. Maybe he will read and digest all of Dr. Koch's writings and get himself a chemistry set and try it out on some of the lesser mammals and go from there. He's got the mind for it perhaps, if he has the org. chem. synthesis bckgrnd he could pull it off. Meantime, the ozone injections operate on largely the same principle, "singlet oxygen" but with Koch it works about 80% of the time, even in late-stage cases. I think I see how to get it closer to 100%, but alas, its hard to find anyone to collaborate with. Its not rocket Science but it requires some knoweledge :)