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White Shark Views: 4,410
Published: 9 y
This is a reply to # 2,341,313



You see that thickish saliva at the corner of your lips? You will never see that on a healthy person.
And, looking at your lips, you do have a serious inflammatory processes going on on your lips and as well inside your intestines. That may point toward possibility of seriously high intestinal permeability, and serious food intolerance, and all that is caused by serious dysbiosis.

You may have lost up to 20% of bacterial species that your ancestors have naturally had inside.
Those 20% of bacterial species could make the difference between you being perfectly healthy, and you being chronically sick.

And, I am quite sure it is not only a bacteria on your lips. It looks very much more like deep fungal infection causing inflammation, and candida tropicalis or albicans could be the problem.

And, it will be difficult to heal lips without healing the dysbiosis.

Do not expect your doctor to find candida on your lips.

Consumption of milk, grains and Sugar is also associated with significantly higher chances of inflammatory processes inside human body, including intestines.

Could you take a good photo of you left and right iris, or even better complete left eye and complete right eye ?


Most inflammatory processes inside human body can be seen in the iris, as well as on your face.


Please read the message facial diagnosis posted by longterm.

That explanation given to her by a person who is an expert in reading faces is really a spot on.

And, he even explains the meaning of different symptoms and areas on the lips.

I have studied facial diagnostics for the last 30 years, but have never practiced it professionally.
But it is fun being able to read human health just by sitting in a Metro, on a buss, train, while talking with people, or just by watching faces on TV.

The least I would do if in your shoes is eliminate wheat, Sugar and milk products from my diet for 6 months.

It will help your intestines in many ways.



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