Re: Day 4 - Crustiness for sale?
Oh so you read that, huh. Did you read the whole thread? Yeah, I remember at that time I was so fed up, because even when I realised how to do well to maintain it, the split in my lips on the right (your left) side added to the swelling effect and just made my lips that much uglier.
A month or two later from that post, I gave up on that regime. It was no way to live.
That said, doing what I did certainly improved my lips and made it possible to live a life where EC is thought less about. Just extending the peel by a single day made a huge difference, as it meant that my lips had markedly less swelling due to the irritation of exfoliating every day. So thinking about it, I don't really regret following that regime, although I do believe it is a missed opportunity not to have used that time where I was not at school or anywhere to really do my research and try some perhaps more tested methods, rather than rushing hastily down one route.
But you live and learn. And that's why I'm giving a period of time each day to researching and taking action, conducting myself in a more longterm, relaxed way.
The truth of it is, I haven't really done so much to improve my condition. That partial leave lip alone with moisturiser, progressive strategy is really the only thing I've done. My progression is as follows: discover what I have is EC in July of year 11, develop permanent split lip on right side beginning about August/September, begin year 12 September with the fruits of a new disease what I then have no idea is about to further do to my social life/engagement with women/psyche..., bear having unnaturally larger lips whilst I find decent moisturisers for the next year and a half. Until I decide I have to do something more and begin thinking about at least improving the condition of that right part of the lip just before the split which swells the most.
Then the post you read says what I did next although it was written a year later after my efforts to improve my ugliest section of lips. When I then gave up, although I probably could afford to since exfoliating every two days and strengthening my lips meant less swelling after exfoliation, which was really enough for me to just ignore it. For the most part anyway, I was still in the process of acknowledging the significance of the white line and gooey stuff we get.
So, I'm still pretty young in my battle against EC. It's only now that I'm getting serious about it, as a result of it standing clearly in the path of my personal development, not allowing me to do the things I want to do and enrich my life. So it's got to go. And it will go. Whether it's this
Epsom Salt thing, or constant aquaphor moisture, or paleo diet, or supplementing with zinc, or eliminating candida. Whatever it takes it will be eradicated. That is a fact.
I'll put thyroid on my list along with zinc to get checked out and research about. My mum has I think underactive, or is it overactive, thyroid, so who knows. But when I have time I'll research what people have to say about it on the forum. For now, I have
Epsom Salt and some other experiments.
As for my other health issue. Well it's done with now, finally, but man was that a learning experience. It's not really a nice thing, so if you want to know what it specifically was, then say so in your next reply. You know Haemorrhoids? Now that's not what I had, but I use it as an example because it affects the same region, and is caused, don't doesn't have to be, by Crohn's disease.
Now what I had is very different to Haemorrhoids in its nature, action, dynamic, but it affects you in a same or similar way in terms of quality life. If you thought EC was bad enough, imagine it's combination with something like this which further affects your involvement with women. Now not only do you have to be conscious of speaking to girls for long periods of time and developing something serious, but now even casual, meet you on the-same-night & we can't really see each other sex; ALL sex is off the table. You have no idea how puzzled over how one person could be so unlucky.
But that was then, and I went to India last summer to solve it, after 3 f***ing years. Thank God for Ayurveda.
So I probably have Crohn's, although I feel like it is unconfirmed. But my bowel habits, and gas, pretty much say so. So malabsorption is a likely issue.