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Re: Day 4 - Crustiness for sale?
InSearchOfBrotherhd Views: 3,974
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Re: Day 4 - Crustiness for sale?

You actually have haemorrhoids? Man, colorectal disorders are a son of a bitch aren't they? Although I don't know to what extent you have it. You have my deepest empathies.

What I had was something called a fistula, eternal pus was leaving my backside for 3 years. Basically your muscle tissue in that area gets infected somehow and then the infection spreads through and creates a tunnel in your muscle, with an opening on the surface of your inner backside, from which then pus is continuously reproduced. There's nothing they can do if it's too far into the muscle, save the cut your sphincter muscle and leave you incontinent. The Indians have a different method, or well actually the same method but they cut in and heal it at the same time with certain medicines.

I did have a colonoscopy, the second worst experience of my life, after what I had to do in India. They told me I had Crohn's but I'm not so confident in them, because the first doctor said I didn't and the second simply assumed I knew I did. I haven't been in contact with them for a year and a half now though.

Well I can only try, and have faith. If I can achieve what Lily has, even if I have to soak for 6 mins every evening for the rest of my life, I would be eternally grateful.


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