Day 2
Day 2. Just now took a few more photos showing the lips at the end of day 2, beginning of day 3.
As I said I kept my lips very moist. This took me some time, for what I did was after I finished in the shower I didn't immediately brush to prevent the skin from becoming super soft and just coming off when I tried to apply anything. Instead I applied moisturiser, let it dry a bit, applied again, licked, applied, wet with water, applied. Went to room, applied. Then went back and brushed my teeth when I didn't think they would get too soft, and applied moisturiser.
I should probably say something briefly about my general moisturising method. For a long time now, maybe a year or two since I read someone say saliva has healing properties, I lick my lips and then moisturise. I generally never moisturise without licking first. Recently I've begun wetting my lips with water in addition to this. I should say that when I was applying today I was stroking up and down very specifically to ensure I softened up the drier prone parts of the skin.
For a year at least I've used Dr Orgnanic's Tea Tree lip balm, though last week bought Dr Organic's Manuka and have been using both, although I probably should not suddenly bring in new variables.
If I recall correctly this next one I brushed beforehand and dubbed up the moisture.
These next ones are the end of day 2. Looking just as moisturised, and feeling just as soft if not more too.