Hi, dishidrotic eczema sufferer here with sore, itchy, dry, red inflammed skin and blisters in hands and feet.I woke up before sctratching my sore inflammed skin... Hands swallen too (anxious due to my skin) so I ran a cool bath to soak in. Applied sudocream all over my body for that was the first thing I saw once out of the bath.
It all started at the end of last year on my lower legs... Red, dry, itchy then turned into a secondary infection due to me scratching. Antibiotics (x2 in the end) and cortisone creams were prescribed which help a little... Healed the sores but the rash stayed. Eventally said rash spread all over my body then blisters formed on my hands and feet in January. Doc put me on 5mg of cortisone tablets aswell as the creams but that did nothing so 3 weeks ago after going back to him losing my mind due to the skin being at it's worst, getting no sleep and basically at the end of my tether he put me on 25mg of cortisone tablets. Had to take two tabs a day for five days then one tablet a day for five days then half a tablet for 5 days... Saturday just gone was the last day of taking the cortisone (only a bandaid treatment I know). Well as expected BOOM flare up had come back in full swing.
Thank goodness my dermatology specialist appointment came in the mail last week and my appointment booking is for the 23/02/2016.
1. All blood tests have come back clear so far.
2. Cortisone is not the answer but the second lot of tablets actually helped me through til I got my dermotology appointment letter booking though.
3.Antibiotics mess with the guts good and bad bacteria balance so know I def need to address that with probiotics or kefir water.
4.This has stopped me from working so I have no money for anything right now. 😩
5.I just want to get back to a happy lifestyle!!!
6.3:34am in the morning and I thought I need to vent so here I am.