I was diagnost with this disorder 2 years ago and I wouldn't wish it on any one. even as I am typeing this I find it very hard. I have a very bad flare up on my left hand which i write with. I have had it so bad that i had to have a direct I.V in my hand due to my fingers being uterly swolen. for the first 6 months no doctor could tell me what I had. It got to the point where I was in tears at the doc's office, and he sent me to a dermatol. who then told me in 3 seconds what I had. Clobateasol(very strong...0.05%) worked wonders for a year, but now i think my system is becomeing ammune to it. so now I have another major flare up (each summer i get it and it goes away for another year.) I am currantly waiting to see the dermatologyst again, but I have to wait untill november....I can't possibly do that, its only august!, I almost have no use of my hands now. any suggestions till then? p.s I am a chef......i need my hands =( the first year I had it, i lost 1.5 months of work, I could barely pull up my own pants. also, I sould mention I'm only 25. it's only on my hands. I know that heavy metal content in food is bad and heat and stress is bad.... if any one has any suggestions pls pls email me, I'm getting to my whits end /cry