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banana, carrot, cabbage and parsley to take the place of grains and dairy
DesertLili Views: 729
Published: 10 y
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banana, carrot, cabbage and parsley to take the place of grains and dairy

SN and Archus,
I agree about the cheese. Cheese is something I could eat pound of in two days or less. Turned out it was the strongest mucus (therefore: inflammation) producing food that I have eaten. I realized it only after I've fallen out of the Conspiracy dogma that dairy is good-that's-it-that's-all. Dairy in general, especially aged cheeses are evil - delicious and disease producing altogether. Some argue in favor of raw organic goat milk. I don't know - it is too much of a hassle to look and find this expensive item, that I know, I can happily live without.
Beans are delicious, I agree. I haven't decided how I would consume them from now on - probably as spouted organic seeds/beans. I always feel bloated with beans and hope it will be different when I soak out (the growth inhibitors from them) sprout and add them to some cold soup of sorts. Certainly, they will not taste the same, but now I want to be very conscious about the nutritional value of all that I eat.
Yes, SN you are lucky to have that sensitive GIT of yours. Mine is being rather compliant, and discharging the trouble to my joints. Recently I realized that Buckwheat (a non-sprouted version of it) also provoked inflammation and pain in my neck. Same for chickpeas ... yeah! I gotta try sprouting these too.
Cooked rice gives me only a temporary sleepiness, so I haven't decided about it either. I know that soaking would help. There is a lot of experimentation continuing on my side. In the meanwhile I consume tons of bananas and other fresh produce, trying to not explode my budget boundaries either. Aiming for that healing cabbage-parsley juice all so often :)


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