Thank you for your kind words, DesertLili.
I have taken a fourteen day leave to do this, so that I won't be a burden to anyone. I routinely fast while at work, but I still count myself as "fed" since I'm running off of my liver stores (which I'm careful to replenish between shifts). This style of eating allows me to be brisk and sharp. Ketosis, which brings a mellow distance, tends to happen around the 50 hour mark for me. Since I've never ventured past 72 hours, everything beyond that will be new territory.
In terms of healing, I have one story: when I was a child, I ruptured a tendon in my neck. It didn't heal well (and I, of course, was living on Frooty Pebbles and Gummi Bears), so every once in awhile the bloody thing would throw out on me. The muscles of my neck were adhered to one another (Nature's C-collar) to stabilize the unstable vertebrae. I had very little movement and no rotation at all.
After some months in the low-calorie, nutrient-dense diet, that all loosened up. It felt like a painless tearing. I could simply, one morning, drop my head back almost between my shoulderblades, and I could drop my chin to my chest. I could look over my shoulders!
So I am not one to say *only* fasting will bring benefits, though I hope it may bring them *faster* and perhaps more easily. My diet style back then took quite a bit of attention (only because of the calorie restriction and my training demands; a whole food diet is otherwise attention-free).
This time around I'm focusing on my gut. It is certainly irritated, shedding blood in my stool, and inflamed. No surprises there: I fed it unnatural, irritating, unhappy foods made from miserable creatures, machines, and miserable chefs. 😅
This is probably woo-woo, but I believe food is energetically impacted (or maybe I mean to say we eat the energy along with the food). So I seek out animal products from "happy" creatures, and avoid apex predators and grains (which do not "expect" to be eaten). Whoa, too long... sorry!