Re: good job!
I work at night, so typically eat my meal at dawn when I come home. I don't like sleeping on a full stomach, but I generally experience insomnia during the second fasted 24 hours, and breaking my fast then leads to immediate sleepiness. (That's one of the things I'm hoping to fix, actually; even a light meal of steamed vegetables, no starches, leads to sleep-response, which is why I refrain from eating while at work. I might have an apple mid-shift, which, so long as I'm moving, will be metabolized without making me tired).
In fact, now that I consider it, food ought to make one peppy, not sleepy, so if one's body responds to food by becoming comatose, that is likely a signal.
Right now, I'm quite hungry and a little wool-headed. Day one, withdrawal, blah.