Re: update update update update
Nah, no update as of yet. It's just weird dead skin.
I'm beginning to think I've had this problem long before my EC started--it was probably the reason I was picking my lips in the first place. I've always had a problem with dry lips, now that I think about it, from the beginning of time. I mean, I used to carry a tub of vaseline in my bookbag in high school!
My guess is that it's an allergy of some kind, because the other option--dryness or dehydration--isn't possible. I'm going to try to switch to organic toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, the whole deal, and see if anything changes. But anyway, man, other than that, the new skin is AWESOME, and so is the new, elastic feel of my lips. I can actually stretch them now! The dead skin is nothing--just requires more exfoliation than regular people, which is EASY for me, especially after the whole experience with EC.
I'll let you know if anything changes. How's your trial going?