Re: The Universal Heal--PLEASE READ
Peelstation, thanks for the thoughtful reply.
As for your theory: I get what you're saying, but it doesn't make sense. Why don't nails eventually "dramatically change"? They too undergo constant trauma--technically speaking. So does hair. So does a boxer's face.
And it doesn't make sense why you refuse to believe that this is a scab. You have the rawness of your lip, which indicates missing skin; you have the discoloration as the "new skin" dries; you have the curling; the whiteness in water; the eventual peeling--the signs are all there. Dead skin doesn't behave in this way. It just doesn't.
As for taking offense, I really don't think you should. I've said from the getgo that I believe people have been doing it wrong. Did you try it my way? Did you start with raw lips? (Or you can apply the aquaphor and then simply slough off the scabs/skin) Did you apply every half hour, making sure your lips NEVER went dry for even half a second?
If you didn't do those things, you didn't really give this method a real go. I suggest you do. If it doesn't work for you, then it doesn't work for you. You lose nothing at all, you'll risk nothing, and you'll go back to being as you are now.