Re: The Universal Heal--PLEASE READ
jsl123, do you make it a habit of NOT reading someone's posts before responding to them? No offense, but I've already addressed daniki's situation, tied it to Daniel's situation, and explained it away in the best way I could--please refer back to one of my older posts on this thread for the response to this one. And if you would be so kind, would you mind referring me to the others you speak of who have "cured" this "disease" using immunosuppressants. I'd like to see if they did it as daniki did it or if they did it differently.
And, like I said at least four times already, it took 3 days for the white gunk to completely stop, about 4 or 5 days for the new skin to form. It's been a little over a month now and I have no problems at all. I exfoliate regularly, and moisturize frequently throughout the day--I do allow it to dry these days, because I'm not as obsessed as I once was about my lips, and I know the new skin is firmly in place. No problems whatsoever--I can live life normally.
By the way, moisturizing and exfoliating is what NORMAL people do to their lips when they want them to look nice. I don't know ANYONE who just leaves them how they are. EVERYONE's lips get dry, chapped, cracked if left alone for too long. I don't know what you guys are expecting...some internal moisturizing mechanism?