9 y
Re: Vegan diet best for cleansing? Best vegan protein?
Dr. McDougall and Dr. Joel Fuhrman offer good plans for vegans...
The key is to eat enough, hardly anyone gets this concept when they first go vegan, and then they feel tired and week and blame the fact that they don't have enough "protein" when actually most animal foods they used to eat are very high in fat, which is where their caloric energy comes from, not protein.
Bottom line, make sure you're getting minimum 2000 calories for females and 2500 for males, and you won't suffer
Depression or fatigue. But, this can take time for your digestion to catch up with all the added fiber to reach that caloric goal.
If you're over the age of 25, I'd say, it will take some time, and a high level of fitness certainly doesn't hurt this transition.