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Re: Why did I have a seizure when trying to take Paragone
JREN31 Views: 2,483
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Re: Why did I have a seizure when trying to take Paragone

The more I read about parasites, the more I feel afraid that my life is being shortened by them dramatically. I have gotten to the point of freaking out before every full moon because of how sick I get. My family members have noticed it as well, and when I tried to tell them that the full moon was when parasites are the most active, they looked at me like I was nuts.

I think one of the main problems is that most general physicians are uninformed about parasites. They may have had a few courses dealing with them during their college or med school days, but other than that I feel they are more focused on what they deem to be "more likely".

Unfortunately this means many innocent patients being cast out or diagnosed mentally ill, when they are only trying to advocate for their health while their physician does nothing but doubt them. With a negative stool sample, it is difficult to get a doctor to treat you for parasites, yet they do no tests for mental illness and base the diagnosis solely on symptoms. I drove around 9 hours to see my old doctor last November who told me she didn't believe me, but now I have a new doctor who referred me to the gastroenterologist I'm seeing in a month. Plus I have pictures to use as proof for when I see him.

It's amazing to me how parasites can cause Cancer, yet we're left to treat it on our own. I have experienced occasional seizures in my sleep after trying paragone again, but since I've been changing up my diet a lot it has helped a bit. I have had a lot of almost blackouts this week so I'm probably seeing my new doctor next week again.


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