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Re: Why did I have a seizure when trying to take Paragone
username7414 Views: 2,223
Published: 11 y
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Re: Why did I have a seizure when trying to take Paragone

Again, it depends on the doctor. Where I go, they arent allowed to treat me either way, even if i have a + stool test. They have to refer everyone to infectious disease but they only see you if you have a + stool test. Without it, they pretty much say sorry, can't help ya. My doctor refered me to gi as a last ditch effort to get me help.
From what i read on here, most doctors are the same way or they don't believe that one can get something without having travelled abroad. I am floored by the amount of people who get blown off without any other testing.
I am very confident that if my doctor would take the time to look, they will find it. I don't want to get my hopes up though.


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