My issue is very simple... I thought for sure a visit to the doctor would take care of it. I have shit moving in my intestines and chest and i showed them tons of samples that the lab conveniently rejected because they were improperly stored. An ultrasound should easily find it, they can medicate me and I can have my life back. The longer I sit untreated, the bigger the risk I'm going to end up like everyone here with scattering. I'm taking f***ing dog dewormer and having to read through an internet forum to treat myself. There is something terribly wrong with this whole picture.
When I can't take anymore of it, I wander to the ropeworm and morgellons topics. Both seem to be some kind of fungal + worm thing and with all the evidence people have, a doctor still won't go there. Very interesting stuff! We are all freakin doomed. I just hope that when I die from this shit that my kids will print out my post history here and show the judge my timeline of how this got progressively worse.